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Site Update: Corvette Amazon Shopping Mall Released


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
We're pleased to announce the release of the Corvette Action Center's "Corvette Amazon Shopping Mall"!

We've established an affiliate relationship with Amazon.com to provide a special Corvette product-related store front to Corvette enthusiasts.

Looking for a particular Corvette related book, DVD, toy or other product, check out the Corvette Amazon Shopping Mall. Even if you're looking to buy something else from Amazon that isn't Corvette related, stop by the Corvette Shopping Mall and click the shopping link above the store front. All Amazon sales that come from the store front link help support the CAC along the way!

The link is up above under in the Shop tab of the site's main navigation as well.

Corvette Amazon Shopping Mall
Everyone, this is a GREAT way to help out the CAC and still get your purchases fulfilled via Amazon. There's no surcharge that you get hit with, but the CAC gets a "finder's fee" of sorts, so any item big or small helps! :upthumbs

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