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News: Corvette Homecoming brings enthusiasts together


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Corvette Homecoming brings enthusiasts together

The Bowling Green Daily News


To call Richard Yanko a Corvette enthusiast is an understatement.

The proud owner of seven Corvettes, the Bowling Green man has a great love for them. He saw his first Corvette in 1953 but didn’t get his first, a 1967 model, until 1977.

”I like the unique style of being a two-seater. They’re beautiful cars,” he said. “They kind of grow on you.”

Other people who feel the same are rolling into Bowling Green for the 32nd annual Corvette Homecoming. The event, which includes car tours, seminars, a police-escorted parade and other activities, is today through Saturday at the Sloan Convention Center.

Full Story: Corvette Homecoming brings enthusiasts together - Bowling Green Daily News: Time Out
homecoming (2).jpg This was in the Corvette Homecoming goodybag in 1984.
I happened to be going through town on my way to my
back from my Summer Army Reserve ACTDUTRA in my brand
new 84 black coupe. The towel now lives in my man cave
on the back of a chair. My wife says I never throw out or
wear out anything. What can I say?
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