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News: Corvette sellers weigh quick profit vs. long-term loyalty


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Corvette sellers weigh quick profit vs. long-term loyalty

Mike Colias
Automotive News
August 12, 2013 - 12:01 am ET

DETROIT -- Chevrolet dealers preparing for the 2014 Corvette Stingray's arrival in early October face a choice between a short-term windfall and long-term loyalty.

Do they take advantage of feverish early demand for the first Vette redesign in seven years and charge thousands above list price? Or do they score loyalty points with customers by sticking to the sticker?

Some dealers seem ready to risk a little wrath. In a recent post on a Corvette fan message board, an irate customer of a California dealership griped about the price quote he received on a Stingray: "$10K" above sticker.

Full Story: http://www.autonews.com/article/201...ck-profit-vs.-long-term-loyalty#ixzz2bkXUPp2h
If you get hosed on a C7, you deserve it. Too many dealers are NOT being greedy, and selling at MSRP. In places, dealers have an unwritten alliance to all charge a premium. I used to live in one such place. The simple response is to buy out of town. I did that for my Vettes for 15 years, and it had no downside.
I think the dealers and GM in general will want sales in good numbers on Corvettes as well as other cars so will not risk alienating folks with over sticker prices. A dealer shouldn't think that he has something so special that he can overcharge for it in this day and age. With the internet and smart phones it isn't hard to find a dealer who is selling for sticker and maybe even a few deals being made by dealers wanting to make more Corvette sales... When the 63's were selling so hot back in the day they were getting sticker but I doubt many if any were being sold for more than that.
There will always be dealers that gouge the "I gotta have the first one" car buyers. When the C6 Z06 first came out (model year 2006) dealers were getting $5-10K over sticker from people with more money than brains. :L

I asked my local dealer if they were getting any allocations for the C7 and they replied yes....2 and they are already spoken for.....I'm sure they are getting above sticker for them.:eek

Personally, I refuse to pay sticker (MSRP) for any vehicle.
I think the dealers and GM in general will want sales in good numbers on Corvettes as well as other cars so will not risk alienating folks with over sticker prices. A dealer shouldn't think that he has something so special that he can overcharge for it in this day and age. With the internet and smart phones it isn't hard to find a dealer who is selling for sticker and maybe even a few deals being made by dealers wanting to make more Corvette sales... When the 63's were selling so hot back in the day they were getting sticker but I doubt many if any were being sold for more than that.

If you think a dealer won't risk a good customer by hosing you on the purchase of a Vette, you haven't shopped Phoenix. The funny thing is - customers buy into it as the way things work. I bought my Ron Fellows Z06 for list, but dealers in Phoenix (where I lived at the time) wanted $10 - 20K to order one, and I was a regular customer of two of them. One sales manager smirked and said he's OK losing a customer if he makes $20K on the Vette...he got his wish.
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If you think a dealer won't risk a good customer by hosing you on the purchase of a Vette, you haven't shopped Phoenix. The funny thing is - customers buy into it as the way things work. I bought my Ron Fellows Z06 for list, but dealers in Phoenix (where I lived at the time) wanted $10 - 20K to order one, and I was a regular customer of two of them. One sales manager smirked and said he's OK losing a customer if he makes $20K on the Vette.

Very true...especially in Snottsdale, Az. :L In 2005, a local here, purchased a new C6Z06 from a dealer there and paid $10k over sticker to be the first one in town with one. :eek

In 2008, my local dealer had a C6 coupe and a C6 Z06. Those cars sat in the showroom for over a year because they would not deal on the price (they wanted MSRP). Every time I would come in to the dealership, I would bust their chops and ask them how much off of sticker they would sell me the z06. They always replied the price is on the sticker. I would always tell them I can find what I want on the web for $5-8k off of sticker....they didn't care. I had purchased my pickup truck and Corvette from them and have my cars serviced by them (loyal customer).

One day, both cars were gone and when I asked who bought them..they replied..."We traded them with another dealership for some trucks". Is that screwed up or what? They would rather lose a sale than drop the price?
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