I had a similiar incident a few weeks ago: I was cruising thru the local K n K supermarket parking lot with the top down, 60's music on and feeling GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD and what do I do? I try to maneuver around a speed bump and POW! slightly scrap the curb with the right, front tire; thought for SURE i hit the chrome rim. When I got home and pulled into the garage, i swear i got religion (again-got it the first time when I was wounded in Iraq in 2004), I inspected the wheel and nothing but a little yellow curb paint on the tire! The wheel had been spared! I couldn't believe it!!! The damn run flats are so strong, I actually thought I hit the curb with the wheel. UNBELIEVABLE! Needless to say, I'll be going over those speed bumps from now on but very, very slowly instead of trying to go around them.