Darrin E. Ward
What's up folks? I just logged into your site recently, and I must say I am impressed. At any rate let me explain why I'm writting. I've been looking at vettes for the last year and a half (and have yet to purchase one.)
I guess my hesitance is based in part upon reliability. I have narrowed my selection down to the 78' to 81 years. But I am still a little reserved about them.
If and when I do purchase, my Corvette will not be a daily driver. It will mostly be used for weekend and general enjoyment. (A Saturday afternoon, with a can of Wax and plenty of beer in the fridge) However, I'd like to know how much "nickel and dime" stuff to expect.
I spent 3yrs searching for my last older car. (1990 Buick Reatta) I bought it off a woman in Dayton, OH who, by all accounts, had taken pretty good care of it.
Even so, I replaced the $5.00 air filter with a K&N, the worn out belt with a serpentine, the plugs and wire's, and the brake pads & rotars. (Reatta's are known for thier crappy break systems)
Unforseen expensens? Let's see, there was the ECM for $350.00 (Got rained in) The thermostat, keyless remote, and most recently the ignition. And that's all within three years. Despite all that, the old girl has never not fired up for me one day since I bought it. And I'd still feel comfortable taking it on a long (Say out of town) drive.
My question is, when I do decide to purchase a Vette from the 70's/80's, what can I expect? What were your experiecnes? Thanks for any info that you can give, and I hope to be a Vette owner soon!
Take Care. Darrin
I guess my hesitance is based in part upon reliability. I have narrowed my selection down to the 78' to 81 years. But I am still a little reserved about them.
If and when I do purchase, my Corvette will not be a daily driver. It will mostly be used for weekend and general enjoyment. (A Saturday afternoon, with a can of Wax and plenty of beer in the fridge) However, I'd like to know how much "nickel and dime" stuff to expect.
I spent 3yrs searching for my last older car. (1990 Buick Reatta) I bought it off a woman in Dayton, OH who, by all accounts, had taken pretty good care of it.
Even so, I replaced the $5.00 air filter with a K&N, the worn out belt with a serpentine, the plugs and wire's, and the brake pads & rotars. (Reatta's are known for thier crappy break systems)
Unforseen expensens? Let's see, there was the ECM for $350.00 (Got rained in) The thermostat, keyless remote, and most recently the ignition. And that's all within three years. Despite all that, the old girl has never not fired up for me one day since I bought it. And I'd still feel comfortable taking it on a long (Say out of town) drive.
My question is, when I do decide to purchase a Vette from the 70's/80's, what can I expect? What were your experiecnes? Thanks for any info that you can give, and I hope to be a Vette owner soon!
Take Care. Darrin