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Help! Decode 66' Convertible ECL


New member
Mar 5, 2010
1966 Milano Maroon Convertible
Hi, new to Corvette's, I've had 2 Mustangs 67' GT Fasbacks. Now I have a 66' convertible to restore, difficult when you're in Australia. Anyway I've decoded the basics vin # 194676S103423, Milano Maroon, 327/350hp, 4 speed, std black interior. Can't seem to find out what ECL # is. Where do I find that? Thanks Chris.
Hi, new to Corvette's, I've had 2 Mustangs 67' GT Fasbacks. Now I have a 66' convertible to restore, difficult when you're in Australia. Anyway I've decoded the basics vin # 194676S103423, Milano Maroon, 327/350hp, 4 speed, std black interior. Can't seem to find out what ECL # is. Where do I find that? Thanks Chris.

With a black interior, there are no ECL's on the trim code; any other interior color has trim ECL's that indicate what other body-related options the car had (and didn't have) when it was built (if it's a St. Louis-built body).

A.O. Smith-built bodies and St. Louis-built bodies with black interiors don't have trim code ECL's.

Re - ECL

thanks for the info, perhaps you can tell me also how I find out what options the car may have had. Such as pwr/str, ac etc, would all that info be on the tank sticker? And what is a protecto plate.

Have a good day, Chris.
And what is a protecto plate.

Have a good day, Chris.

The Protect-O-Plate was an Addressograph-stamped steel plate glued into the back cover of the warranty pamphlet that showed the car's VIN, exterior and interior color, month built, and the code numbers from the engine, transmission, and rear axle. If you have the original warranty pamphlet, that's where you'll find it - photo below of one from a '67.


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