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Differential problem


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2005
03 Z06,66 coupe(sold),99 Porsche Carrera(sold)
I took my '66 in for a 4 wheel alignment and when the mechanic put the Hunter clip on mechanism on the rear wheel we noticed that the wheel had play in it. Pushing/pulling on top and bottom caused the half shaft to pull out of the differential a little. About 1/2" on the right rear and 3/4"-1" on the left rear. What would cause this? Is it an expensive fix? Needless to say, it didn't get aligned.
sounds like worn side yokes but there are other causes as well. I have a good link to diff into. PM me and I'll get it to you. I had one a couple of months ago where the yokes were still good after 40 years but the posi case was the problem. Instead of junk the case I was able to machine it,make it stronger and resolve the yoke issue re-using the yokes.

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