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Dim cluster lights

  • Thread starter Thread starter Don Strausburg
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Don Strausburg

The lights on my cluster gauges are quite dim. I tried turning the knob to the brightest and not much better. Is it possible that over time the bulbs can blacken do to the heat. Also, how many bulbs are in each gauge and can they be gotten to from under the dash?
The original illumination bulbs were 1816's - 1817's are brighter. '63-'64 clusters use nine of them, '65-up use eleven. If you have tiny hands, you might be able to change them without pulling the cluster.

Try rotating the knob several times full clockwise and counterclockwise. Do this several times and then check for brightness change. The reostat may have built up some corrosion on it...:w
Yup, the bulbs blacken over time. Also hit the guts of the rheostat with electrical contact cleaner and make sure that the gauge cluster has adequate grounding. I actually added cluster grounds in my cars JUST to be sure.

To pull the knob out of the rheostat, first locate the spring-loaded rivet on the bottom of the switch and push that in. Gently pull out the knob (it has a long stem) while keeping the rivet depressed and wiggle both till the stem comes completely out. It is frustrating to the point where it will come out JUST when you're really pissed and frustrated.

I hear JohnZ's advice but my fat hands could NEVER fit behind that cluster. I learned from JohnZ to pull the cluster out while substituting long 1/4-20 bolts for the existing screws. Two bolts will do it and you can pull the cluster out just enough to work all the light bulbs.

The total cost of this repair will be the bolts, the bulbs and depending on your age, a botttle of Advil OR a trip to the chiropracter OR the ER for being upside down on your back with a double bend in the middle and your feet sticking out the window for two hours. So figure a good range is $50-$1,000.

Good luck.
Dimmer bulbs

Thanks for the reply all. Unfortunately I have large hands and a bad back. So it just might cost me $1,000 by the time I finish it. lol:boogie:boogie

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