Stogie D
mornin all - I have already asked this Q to a 99 owner & did not get the answer I was hoping for so I'll put it out to all of you just to clarify - I just bought a 99 C5 - when I turn on the PARKING LIGHTS, the headlight doors open - the headlamps don't come on but the doors are open - the owners manual is not clear if this is correct but I suspect that it is not -
Are the headlight doors supposed to open when just the parking lights are turned on?
I'm thinking I have a problem with the multifunction switch but don't know that for sure -
would appreciate any info - I normally always drive with my parking lights on but having the doors open really bugs me -
Thanks much, D.
Are the headlight doors supposed to open when just the parking lights are turned on?
I'm thinking I have a problem with the multifunction switch but don't know that for sure -
would appreciate any info - I normally always drive with my parking lights on but having the doors open really bugs me -
Thanks much, D.