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Does your cockpit get hot?????

Sunscreen Cling

You can take the top off, lay it upside down and spray it lightly with windex and lay screen in the top, then smooth out the bubbles and let dry, usually a few hours and it should stay in place
Sunscreen cling

Thanks for info guys. I'll give this a shot tomorrow.
heat in the cockpit, this will help...

the stuff that is aluminum foil, bubble pack, aluminum foil is called Reflectix. You can buy it at Home Depot. You'll find it back in the insulation department. It comes in a 4 foot wide roll but I forgot how long.

I seem to recall the cost was about $35 or so. Plenty of material to do two cars too. Go in with a buddy on the stuff.

Use 3-M Super 77 Spray Contact adhesieve to attach it to the floor, then lay the carpet back down. Works super.

It sure made a difference in my 91.

Hope this helps someone,


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