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Doing Your Own Front End Alignment

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I have always been amused over how people with no knowledge of a subject will argue tooth-and-nail about that subject. In this case we have several people who have never aligned their own front ends but yet they know more about front end alignments than the technicians know.

That is so true. I know of this guy that watched a guy do a wheel alignment once and decided he knew of a better way. He went home made up this metal frame to help him and has been using it for around 50 years to to his own alignments. From what I can tell he's never had it checked to see if it works, and why would he need to? After all he has seen a guy do one using a proper machine before. The way he does it doesn't even sound safe!
Aligning Your Own Front End

We have a new record. This thread was viewed 260 times yesterday as many more people wanted to learn how to align their own front ends. Try as you have you guys won't stop people from learning things.

So what is your issue with putting the front end of a car onto a block of wood at it's usual height? As all of the shim work is done from the top who cares if it's sitting on a block of wood? And why would anyone use Vettex as a source of knowledge? He's the resident retard in the SmokinVette forums and (like you guys) he also bashes anyone over anything. It's people like you and Vettex who turn people away from forums and it's people like me who attract people to forums because people want to learn things.

And yes, I am well known in the C3 forums because I attempt to encourage people to THINK about things and not blindly accept the advertising hype they read.
We have a new record. This thread was viewed 260 times yesterday as many more people wanted to learn how to align their own front ends. Try as you have you guys won't stop people from learning things.

So what is your issue with putting the front end of a car onto a block of wood at it's usual height? As all of the shim work is done from the top who cares if it's sitting on a block of wood? And why would anyone use Vettex as a source of knowledge? He's the resident retard in the SmokinVette forums and (like you guys) he also bashes anyone over anything. It's people like you and Vettex who turn people away from forums and it's people like me who attract people to forums because people want to learn things.

And yes, I am well known in the C3 forums because I attempt to encourage people to THINK about things and not blindly accept the advertising hype they read.

Nobody is viewing this thread to learn how to do a butcher alignment, they are viewing the thread to watch you self destruct on every post you make.

You just called Vettex (who is actually vettex2) a "resident retard". I thought you didn't condone name calling, and devoted a whole post to it another thread. So is it now ok for myself and other posters to call you what we really think of you? And oh by the way, vettex2 is an experienced technician who does know what he is talking about, so I completely understand why you cannot comprehend anything he may be telling you. So seriously, is it ok to now commence the name calling as you so seriously condemned in your brilliant HEI thread?

You do indeed attract people to your posts, but not because anyone has a chance of learning anything of value in your posts, the viewers are just waiting to see how (not when, but which way) you are going to self destruct.

Apparently you are tragically well known in other forums, but not because you encourage people to THINK about taking your posts seriously (just the opposite, you are quite the comedy fest), but because you are a well known train wreck, and as stated in another post here viewers are waiting for you derail again.......
I'm still wondering where he gets his facts?

He likes to start out with "the other guys are doing it wrong" when in fact every and I mean every post is backyard at best!
Granted that's why we're here to discuss ways of doing things without paying the man but I myself have been corrected and I didn't regurgitate the same point if view just to "be admired"

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Aligning Your Own Front End

Are you aware your alignment values are constantly changing as you drive down a highway? With every bump you hit your caster, camber, and toe-in changes. You can have your front end "professionally" aligned today and tomorrow it'll be slightly different. That's why the specifications are always given in a "plus or minus" from a given value and anything within the plus or minus is acceptable. As my method can easily achieve a 1/10th of a degree accuracy it's more than accurate enough for any C3.

Rather than bashing my method or me personally I suggest trying it yourself and see how easy it is to achieve a quality front end alignment right in your garage. Gaining knowledge is a wonderful thing so I suggest you try my method and see how gratifying it is to learn something new. It's never too late to learn......................
Are you aware your alignment values are constantly changing as you drive down a highway? With every bump you hit your caster, camber, and toe-in changes. You can have your front end "professionally" aligned today and tomorrow it'll be slightly different. That's why the specifications are always given in a "plus or minus" from a given value and anything within the plus or minus is acceptable. As my method can easily achieve a 1/10th of a degree accuracy it's more than accurate enough for any C3.

Rather than bashing my method or me personally I suggest trying it yourself and see how easy it is to achieve a quality front end alignment right in your garage. Gaining knowledge is a wonderful thing so I suggest you try my method and see how gratifying it is to learn something new. It's never too late to learn......................
Well wrong again, caster doesn't change!

Well not on our cars anyways

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PLEASE, keep it civil! As moderators here, we encourage ideas to be shared. We appreciate that there are different points of view. Each of you have your own opinions and expertise. Name calling, however, won't be tolerated. We do not want to close threads, or try to manipulate what is posted, but if things escalate here, you won't be giving us any choice. The 'spirited' exchange of ideas is okay, but please keep it civil.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Aligning Your Own Front End

Wow! Over 300 new views in just 27 hours. That proves a LOT of people are interested in learning how to align their own front ends. It would be interesting to see how many foreigners are viewing my thread because my simple method actually applies to any vehicle. Regardless of which style of suspension it has the caster and camber angles can be measured using a simple home made tool and angle finder.

Have you thought about documenting this in the form of a picture based step by step tutorial? Or even a YouTube narrative video?

Lots of discussion around how to align a front end, but pictures are worth a thousand words.

There used to be a time when folks didn't have all the modern equipment.

The reason I ask... is that if it works people will share it.

I sense that deep down... you really want to be helpful.

Throw it out on YouTube. Educate some folks- or, if there is a learning point - see what feedback you get.

The whole point of the hobby is to share so that we all get better at the things we do. :)

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Have you thought about documenting this in the form of a picture based step by step tutorial? Or even a YouTube narrative video?

Lots of discussion around how to align a front end, but pictures are worth a thousand words.

There used to be a time when folks didn't have all the modern equipment.

The reason I ask... is that if it works people will share it.

I sense that deep down... you really want to be helpful.

Throw it out on YouTube. Educate some folks- or, if there is a learning point - see what feedback you get.

The whole point of the hobby is to share so that we all get better at the things we do. :)

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I am sorry, but I have to disagree with you.

Toobroke is not trying to teach anyone how to properly perform any function on their vehicle, or even be helpful, he is just trying to get hits or views as he calls them, and he is unfortunately doing just that. He is totally ego driven, and validates it with posting all "his" views numbers. He realizes that his posts are ridiculous and mostly senseless, but at the same time he also also realizes that they will get him views. He knows what he is doing. IMO his complete insistence to not answer direct questions or validate/prove his work/ finished product is proof of that. These type of posters are dangerous to viewers who don't fully understand safe and proper vehicle service procedures.

This is not a flame directed at Kane, just a point of view after reading way too many of toobrokes posts.
Aligning Your Own Front End

People often forget these threads are read by C3 enthusiasts all over the world..............C3 enthusiasts in Finland, Germany, the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, France, Iceland, Canada, South America, and you name it. When you post hateful comments about members of your forum your hateful comments are viewed by the whole world. People who continually bash others aren't viewed as geniuses but rather the complete opposite of geniuses.

You have repeatedly claimed my alignment method is inaccurate and even gone so far as to claim it's dangerous. So as you are making these claims the burden of proof is on your shoulders. I suggest you use my method to align your front end, write down the final values of your caster, camber, and toe in, then take your C3 to an alignment shop and have them compare what their machine shows to what you wrote down. I guarantee what their machine shows will almost exactly match what you wrote down which would prove how accurate my method is. The chances are your front end needs an alignment anyway so what do you have to lose other than a couple of hours of your time and a few bucks?

Knowledge is a wonderful thing to have and by using my method you will gain some.
People often forget these threads are read by C3 enthusiasts all over the world..............C3 enthusiasts in Finland, Germany, the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, France, Iceland, Canada, South America, and you name it. When you post hateful comments about members of your forum your hateful comments are viewed by the whole world. People who continually bash others aren't viewed as geniuses but rather the complete opposite of geniuses.

You have repeatedly claimed my alignment method is inaccurate and even gone so far as to claim it's dangerous. So as you are making these claims the burden of proof is on your shoulders. I suggest you use my method to align your front end, write down the final values of your caster, camber, and toe in, then take your C3 to an alignment shop and have them compare what their machine shows to what you wrote down. I guarantee what their machine shows will almost exactly match what you wrote down which would prove how accurate my method is. The chances are your front end needs an alignment anyway so what do you have to lose other than a couple of hours of your time and a few bucks?

Knowledge is a wonderful thing to have and by using my method you will gain some.

About the hateful comments section, what exactly was your comment about "Vettex"? And I quote exactly from your post: "And why would anyone use Vettex as a source of knowledge? He's the resident retard in the SmokinVette forums and (like you guys) he also bashes anyone over anything" Really? That is not a hateful comment about Vettex? I don't remember anyone here calling you that.

Chances are my vehicle needs an alignment? What wordly experience told you that?

So you are really asking some one other than yourself to spend their own money to try and verify your alignment spec's? How in gods name can you "guarantee" that your spec's will be anything close to correct when you yourself have never verified it?

Knowledge is a wonderful thing, but performing any operation correctly and safely is a totally different "thing".
I am sorry, but I have to disagree with you.

Toobroke is not trying to teach anyone how to properly perform any function on their vehicle, or even be helpful, he is just trying to get hits or views as he calls them, and he is unfortunately doing just that. He is totally ego driven, and validates it with posting all "his" views numbers. He realizes that his posts are ridiculous and mostly senseless, but at the same time he also also realizes that they will get him views. He knows what he is doing. IMO his complete insistence to not answer direct questions or validate/prove his work/ finished product is proof of that. These type of posters are dangerous to viewers who don't fully understand safe and proper vehicle service procedures.

This is not a flame directed at Kane, just a point of view after reading way too many of toobrokes posts.

LLC5- it's hard to offend me. No offense taken.

I see a lot of posts.

Unless there is clearly ad hominem behavior... what someone posts either stands or falls with credibility.

I would advise everyone to debate the merits and substance of a post and not the poster himself. Otherwise you are right- egos come into play from all sides.

My response after looking over this thread is that it is becoming a train wreck at this point.

Thread is closed.

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