I am gathering production date info...and saw your 90 ZR is #312 and my 90 ZR is #566. Here is what I have detailed about my ZR thus the interest in what you know about your ZR:
On my 1990 ZR-1 (#566) build sheet there are two date references:
SCHED. NO. DATE 0105917
DATE: 89/297
TIME: 12:37
The second number sequence group would be 89 for 1989 and 297 for the 297th day of the year which would be 10/24/89...yet on the lower left inside hood is a grease pencil marking 10 27 89A (which according to NCRS types is the build completion date).
Assume build sheet was issued (thus start of production) on 10/24/89 and car finished production 10/27/89. While replacing the fuel injectors this winter I found engraved into the oil baffle plate the engine build date 10 7 89 and initials BK which I assume is Bill Kepple who was one of the LT5 master engine builders>>
The ZR-1 was recorded into dealer stock on 11/20/89 (that date and dealer stock number is in grease pencil on the upper underside of hood) and sold 11/21/89 (have the original bill of sale)... so it took about 25 days to leave BG and arrive to the St. Petersburg FLA dealership (Maher Chevrolet)
Do you have any similar info on your ZR #312?
I have the build sheet, but I don't remember the specifics off the top of my head. I'll get it out and check it. I seem to remember a September build date though.