John Robinson
Gone but not forgotten
Junk to the rescue
Way to go Junk. I was lurking in the back ground wanting to add my 2c but I know you to well to second guess you. As a side note that connector on the top of the opti has caused me more greif than the IRS. I finally got it to keep out water and not corrode. One question My 93 runs real good now until the engine gets to 230 in traffic and then I get an intermitent one time miss and then in about 10 seconds it happens again. when I get out of traffic and the temp drops back down to 208 the miss goes away. Out side of that it runs so hard that my classes have left perminent rings around my eyes
Way to go Junk. I was lurking in the back ground wanting to add my 2c but I know you to well to second guess you. As a side note that connector on the top of the opti has caused me more greif than the IRS. I finally got it to keep out water and not corrode. One question My 93 runs real good now until the engine gets to 230 in traffic and then I get an intermitent one time miss and then in about 10 seconds it happens again. when I get out of traffic and the temp drops back down to 208 the miss goes away. Out side of that it runs so hard that my classes have left perminent rings around my eyes