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Help! Driver Information Center 1992 corvette

  • Thread starter Thread starter IRISH KELLY
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;helpI was wondering if anyone knows where to buy the little plastic cover/insert for driver information center 1992 corvette as the one I have fell out and I decide to give a good cleaning before putting it back!:bash Yep you guessed it, most of the logo came off when I try to clean it Op's :pukeand it looks like crap I am learning slow but sure that the cover about 5 1/2 by 2 1/2 ins that protects the information light that come on when you turn the key on. If you know where to order it what is the part number or what is it called ??????? Thx to all and any who can help or answer this
Are you talking about a clear (lexan) insert with some sort of logo on it that fit over DIC? If so those are after-market and available from the big box companies (ie MAM, Ecklers, Corvette America). You don't really need it, it was an add-on.
Are you talking about a clear (lexan) insert with some sort of logo on it that fit over DIC? If so those are after-market and available from the big box companies (ie MAM, Ecklers, Corvette America). You don't really need it, it was an add-on.
Yes that is what I am looking for as it looks good with the logo on it thanks for the info
Yes that is what I am looking for as it looks good with the logo on it thanks for the info

Yea, you're right, it does look good. I like mine, and I added it after I bought my car.:upthumbs

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