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Editorial: Chrysler Destroys Its Historical Archives; GM to Follow?


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Sep 16, 2000
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1990 Corvette ZR-1
Editorial: Chrysler Destroys Its Historical Archives; GM to Follow?

By Bob Elton
July 26, 2009

Archives are the foundation of historical research. Without access to primary material—be it documents, photographs, financial statements, engineering or test reports—historians lack the building blocks necessary to write the chronicles that inform our understanding of the past and illuminate the future. To their credit, America’s automakers have gone to great lengths and expense to preserve and protect the historical documents which chronicle and define their existence. Until recently. As Chrysler and GM plunged into bankruptcy, they turned their back on their own heritage and destroyed a priceless part of our collective past.

Chrysler was incorporated on June 6, 1925. Over the following decades, the automaker centralized and organized its archives, records dating back to the very beginnings of the American automobile industry. And then the company’s new owners decided history is bunk. Cerberus eliminated its archivist position. They stopped funding the documents’ maintenance. The company limited access to their archives and then stopped it altogether.

Worse was to follow.

With little notice and no planning, Cerberus literally abandoned the engineering library at the Chrysler Technical Center. The library was shuttered and the librarian laid off. And then the real crime: all the library’s books and materials were offered to anyone who could carry them away. I repeat: the documents were free for the taking. Within a week, a collection spanning decades was scattered to the winds; the books and other materials will never again be available in any coherent, comprehensive form.

The rest of Chrysler’s historical archives remain intact in a central location. Intense work by dedicated archivists has, over the years, provided organization and access to historians. Will FIAT consider these archives worth preserving? Do they even know they exist?

The situation at GM isn’t quite so dire—yet. While GM continues to fund a Heritage Center, the center has sold off hundreds of their historical vehicles. It’s a travesty that denies writers (and GM insiders) a hands-on link to the company’s best—and worst—work.

The location and status of GM’s paper archives is unclear. Historically, GM has allowed each division to keep or discard archival material as they pleased. Some, like Oldsmobile, transferred many of their key documents to an independent museum. Upon enquiry, it’s clear that many of the remaining GM divisions no longer know the location of their historical documents, much less how they are organized or how researchers can gain access.

Rumor has it that GM Research (at the GM Tech Center in Warren) has a library of technical papers dating back to its beginnings: a treasure trove of information about the development of the automobile. Who’s protecting this legacy? In fact, who owns it: Old GM or New?

Full Editorial: Editorial: Chrysler Destroys Its Historical Archives; GM to Follow? | The Truth About Cars
Whoever was in charge of making the decision to let all that material go needs to have their head examined.
What a treasure of information that is now scattered all over the place.
The good news is that several people have some nice items.
I wonder why they didn't offer the collection to the Smithsonian?

Hey John - whatcha think of this? (I'd like to hear your opinion...)
Hey John - whatcha think of this? (I'd like to hear your opinion...)

It's shame, but not a lot in terms of history was lost when the Engineering library was closed. The real historical archives of the company are maintained separately in a building near the old Highland Park headquarters, and that operation remains intact.

I wonder why they didn't offer the collection to the Smithsonian?

Would've been perfect in the Transportation exhibit. Also would've been great timing as the Smithsonian American History Museum just re-opened after an extensive remodeling. Granted the Smithsonian has an immeasurable amount of artifacts in storage never to see the light of day but what says "American" more than GM (read "Chevy").

BTW Mac, I was there this weekend and saw some of your brethren - three older dudes with blue ball caps that said "RCMP" on them with some kind of image partially covering the C and M.

BTW Mac, I was there this weekend and saw some of your brethren - three older dudes with blue ball caps that said "RCMP" on them with some kind of image partially covering the C and M.


JohnZ, that's good to hear.

Eric, the image was likely the corporate logo...

It's often used as a backdrop but unless you get a close look, it's hard to recognize what it's supposed to be...


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