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Question: Electric fan


Active member
Sep 12, 2009
Hickory, NC
1980 all Black
Got caught in some heavy traffic today. Car did not overheat but got warmer than usual. Got up to I'd guess 220-230. Have a 160 thermstat in it. So when I got home I popped the hood just to get the heat out. well, also found a big oil leak. Sprayed all over the hood and passenger side. But anyway, got to looking at the fans, both the electric one and the normal one. When I turn the key on the electic starts spinning, counterclockwise. Seems to be pushing air towards front of car. Isn't that backwards? Could these be wired to run in reverse? It is also spinning VERY slowly. All others I've seen are a lot faster.

Any thoughts?
I'm wondering whether a previous owner has direct wired the auxilary fan. They aren't suppose to kick in until temps get a little over normal.

Thats what I thought too. If I have time today going to take off fan and follow wiring. Can't see anything with that propeller in there.
Stock wiring comes out of the fan motor, through the shroud, along the RH fender, to the sending unit at the rear of the right head.


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