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electrical problem


Well-known member
May 27, 2003
central NJ
1966 convertible, 327 L79
Weird thing happended tonight. On my way home in the evening time, I switch on the lights and I have no cluster lights and all 4 taillamps are out. However, turn signals work with the brake lights coming on when brake pedal is pressed. The parking lights are on in front when switch is in first detent position but not out back. When I pull to the second position the headlights work but still nothing out back. Fuses seem ok. A friend mentioned a ground problem? Any ideas? How about the switch itself? Anybody have a similar experience?
It's not a ground, but it may be the switch.

When you pull the light switch, the 20-ga. brown wire from the switch to the flat multiple connector above the driver's side kickpad (which connects the instrument panel harness to the main/rear body harness) feeds power to the rear running lights and the license light. Check it for power with the switch pulled.

At the same time, the 16-ga. dark green wire from the switch feeds power to the third fuse from the bottom in the fuse block, which feeds power through a 20-ga. gray wire to a splice in the harness that feeds ALL the instrument lights. Check it for power too, and check for power on both ends of the fuse.

The brake lights, turn signals, and front parking/turn lights that are working are on separate circuits, and thus are not affected.

Thanks John, actually, I solved the problem today. I merely tried to shine a light at the fuse box last night and thought the tailight fuse was ok. However, I pulled it today and there was such a fine hairline crack in the middle that I really had to look closely and figure out it was blown. Changed it with another 10amp fuse and voila. Thank god for the easy fix. I already had nightmares of trying to track a short down. I guess the tail lamp fuse also effects the cluster lights despite there is a separate fuse for them. Anyway cheers:beer
Congrats on the repair. Your example is the best reason to always use a test light to check fuses, not just do a visual. On the older glass barrel fuses it also a good idea to check all four of the fuse panel pins with the test light to make sure the fuse has a good contact to the pins, as rust can build up between the fuse panel pins and the fuse itself.

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