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Electrical Problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter HughDTX
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There is a loom of wires above driver's side from wheel well. I am sure all of you are familiar with it. Anyway, the big red wire (12 gauge?) is shorting out. Anytime I try to hook it back up to its fusible link (which supplies power from the loom) it burns out the link. I traced the wire as best I could, and from what I could tell it goes to the firewall in the middle... meaning I'd have to take the whole dash apart?

There is another red wire which looks like it goes to the alternator, but that one isn't causing problems.

Also, this wire that burns supplies power to the whole car. Right now I have nothing at all.

This all started when I replaced a bulb last week and it burned the fuse. I used another bulb, replaced the fuse and all was well. Last night I hit a bump in a parking lot (not hard) and the whole car died and the wire was burned again.

Any ideas? Anyone know exactly what this wire does and goes?


'72 350 Auto
Does it go to the horn relay....that one runs from the starter through the engine harness around the blocks in the fire wall, into the forward lamp harness and up to the relay........hope that helps...
Hmmm.... very well could be. I haven't looked because I haven't had time, but I just checked and found that the horn does work!

So the only thing that works/has power is the horn... what could that mean?

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