thanks for the tip Studiog, i'll do that. A big blanket in there should work fine
Since everything thing I do myself on the car is something new for me, I'd rather wait until I have more time to spend to do it slow and properly without trying to rush which at this point for me today I'd be trying to rush things.
I know this should be an easy job and someone who has done it before or at least someone with more wrenching expereince could do this repair with their eyes closed, but for me, since i've just learning everything is more difficult and time consuming, plus I don't have the confidence of what i'm doinb to know how much I can push things like how much force I can safely use without damage, etc. Than I start to worry that if I start taking too many things apart at once will I know how to get everything back together again CORRECTLY - hence my prior stated hesitation on lossening the belts......... well, you get the idea
It's going to be a while until I feel comfortable doing ANYTHING under the hood but like my finally doing the timing, once I do it one time i'll have more confidence the next time around on the same job.
My motorcycles were much easier..............