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fiberglass paint strippers


Well-known member
Mar 8, 2009
1985 corvette
how good and how reliable are these if anyones used them please give me some info wanna get the car down to bare fiberglass
how good and how reliable are these if anyones used them please give me some info wanna get the car down to bare fiberglass

I know that is a good question...

it can be done. I've recieved estimates of around $500 to chemically strip my vette.

I also know that the off the shelf strippers that the public can buy are NOT for automotive use and will do great damage to plastics and rubber. :ugh

My best advice regarding chemical stripping a Corvette is to have a shop do the work so the possible libility and ALL the risk falls on them.

Another option is SODA blasting and I'm told that its difficult to screw up with a soda blaster....hard on paint but very easy on gel-coat, plastics etc.

I'm in the same boat and desperately need paint but MUST strip the old off before any new paint can be applied. besides, I think this is the ONLY right way to do a color change.
well i know that one of the corvette parts companys sells a stripper made for fiberglass bodys i think its ecklers or mamotorworks maybe corvette central but they sell it by the gallon and i think its 40 or so which isnt too bad and i was wondering if anyone has ever used that stuff
There are formulas for the C4 body...I've never used them. I DO use the more common strippers to remove paint on wheels so they can be polished and that stuff scares the crap outta me..! Once activated it'll burn the hide off of you and the fumes alone will damage paint within several feet.

What I recently did with great success was to use air....getting an edge started on the paint somewhere and using an air blower to float or lift the paint off in sheets. Works great with old paint thats dried out and about to peel anyway.
What I recently did with great success was to use air....getting an edge started on the paint somewhere and using an air blower to float or lift the paint off in sheets. Works great with old paint thats dried out and about to peel anyway.
well my car was painted several times i have peeled off as u mentioned almost all layers of the paint and i want to get it down to bare body before i start body work on whats damaged

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