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fine 59 completed 14 yrs on


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2001
Adelaide South Australia
Well its taken 14 years to finally finish this project and I can well say Im over it
It has been a long and expensive journey, some of you have followed my postings and Im very happy to say its over and very pleased with the outcome.
Its time for cruising and enjoying my hard work
Here are some pics of FINE 59 after her polish which took a total of 40 hrs and many stages.:happyanim:


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SWEET!!! :thumb
Looks like all your hard work and patience has paid off. Congratulations on that fine 59.
Wow, an awesome project! Love it.:w
Hey Tom, How long you been working on your 59? When is your projected date of completion? :w
Hey Tom, How long you been working on your 59? When is your projected date of completion? :w

That has became a sore subject over the years. What started out as a repaint in 1971 is now looking to be a retirement project.:eyerole
That has became a sore subject over the years. What started out as a repaint in 1971 is now looking to be a retirement project.:eyerole

Sorry, for bringing it up then......:chuckle I have a feeling that it will get done.....in your retirement. :w
No problem. I have gotten used to getting a never ending ration of crap over that car for many years. :L
No problem. I have gotten used to getting a never ending ration of crap over that car for many years. :L

Yea, I know, I've given you crap in the past over it....:D I also realize how other things take precedence. ;)
The 59' looks awesome. Tom don't take any crap about your 59' I'm sure you will finish it. I parked my Horizon Blue 60' in Nov.1970 and didn't get back on the road until Aug.2002 have been enjoying the Vette every day since.
I have a feeling things will start progressing thus year. Retiring shortly.


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