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Front License Plate


May 31, 2003
Great Lakes
1999 Nassau Blue Coupe
I am shopping C-5 Corvettes and I am looking at several in states that require front license plates and in MI where I am we don't have them. Is it possible to get a replacement front license plate cover that is matched to the car or do they come primered or whatever and need to be painted. Thanx in advance. Jeff
the painted front cover comes with the car from the factory so the owner should have it

I knew it came with the car, but if it's gone what are my options for replacement. Thanx for the reply! Jeff
if you are not required to have a front liscense plate you would have to buy another cover and I assume they dont come painted
You can buy the cover from the GM dealer. But you have to paint them. It cost me $85 to have mine repainted M.Yellow when I put a scrach in it.:w
Thanx for the info, pretty much what I figured. If I buy from a state that had the front plate issue, I hope the first owner kept the cover. If they didn't, it maybe an indication about how well they cared for the car. Jeff
Hi mitzelj,
Welcome to the Corvette club, where initiation fees are high, but the return is higher.
I like your last stament. Don't forget it while looking.
We got lucky here in the not so great state of NY. The blue background of the plate is very complimentary to the Electron Blue Metallic. So the plate is a natural fit.
Also, don't forget to wave.
Thanx for the welcome, as for joining the club, it sort of like a readmittance, I had a 79 C3 about 12 years ago or so but life changes made it go, but as all things change I'll be back in the game shortly. I expect to pickup a 2000/2001 navy blue metallic car shortly after tax time next year, as I'll have my 2000 olds paid off and it's my year to get my child for tax purposes. However, if the right car presents itself I can grab it sooner. Jeff
I've seem them for sale in the Corvette American Catalog.
Ecklers has them but you must paint them

Have a great day.

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