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Question: Fuel system



When I was changing my fuel filter the other day, I think I came across a fuel problem. While the fuel filter was off, the fuel never stopped draining or slowed down from the tank line. Is this normal ? I've changed many others on various other cars and the fuel stops or slows down. if this is wrong that might explain another problem I'm having. I would appreciate any help, Thanks, Reddogg.:confused
When I was changing my fuel filter the other day, I think I came across a fuel problem. While the fuel filter was off, the fuel never stopped draining or slowed down from the tank line. Is this normal ? I've changed many others on various other cars and the fuel stops or slows down. if this is wrong that might explain another problem I'm having. I would appreciate any help, Thanks, Reddogg.:confused
Yep,Purdy Normal!!:thumb If the fuel level in the tank is above the filter it's not much different than siphoning gas out of the tank with a garden hose!:D

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