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Happy New Year Everyone


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
I just want to take a quick moment and wish all of our members are very safe and happy New Year!

2013 was an exciting year for us, with the introduction of the 2014 C7 Corvette Stingray, and our invite from GM to attend the official unveiling in Detroit back in January.

We also saw a much needed site redesign, the introduction of a Videos section here in the forums and a tremendous amount of growth in site traffic.

So what's to come for 2014?

  1. A home page redesign incorporating a more fluid design to make it more readable on multiple devices such as phones, tablets, etc.
  2. A major upgrade to the Corvette gallery
  3. A new home for the L81 Vette Registry
  4. A gradual move towards a mobile-device friendly design. You probably won't see many changes up front or on your computer, but you will when viewing the site on a mobile device.

I've also been working on a major site redesign on our sister site - VetteTube.com The new design will be 100% mobile-device compliant as well as iPad and Mac compliant as well!

That's it for now. As always, thank you for your continued support of the Corvette Action Center!

So what's to come for 2014?

  1. A home page redesign incorporating a more fluid design to make it more readable on multiple devices such as phones, tablets, etc.
  2. A major upgrade to the Corvette gallery
    [*]A new home for the L81 Vette Registry
  3. A gradual move towards a mobile-device friendly design. You probably won't see many changes up front or on your computer, but you will when viewing the site on a mobile device.

I've also been working on a major site redesign on our sister site - VetteTube.com The new design will be 100% mobile-device compliant as well as iPad and Mac compliant as well!

That's it for now. As always, thank you for your continued support of the Corvette Action Center!



Thank You Rob for EVERYTHING you have done with the Corvette Action Center BEHIND THE CURTAINS HERE, AND ELSEWHERE IN THE CORVETTE COMMUNITY!!!

Personally I wish good health and continued success in the up coming YEAR!! :happyanim:

Back at you guys as well. :thumb
Happy New Year to the CAC and all who peruse our pages; may 2014 bring health and prosperity to ALL!!!:happyanim:

Oh yeah, COME ON SPRING!!!
Happy New Year to all! And, Rob, thanks for all you have done and continue to do!! You are the best! :happyanim:

Happy '14

Happy New Year to all and HUGE thanks to Rob and Hib for keeping us updated on all things Vette!

> That article you did on the LS7 427 was just great - I divoured it like a steak dinner!
> Keeping things straight regarding Vette news, as opposed to what passes for "journalism", is huge.
> Details on the Vette from everyone is insightful for all and can really keep decisions on the right path.

Lots of additional content that keeps me hittin' this site is always enjoyable, so thanks for everything guys and have a great new year!

ONWARD VETTE!!!! :beer
I hope everyone has a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year in 2014.


ps: this message is Mac compliant. :chuckle
Happy New Year Mac! Great job and thanks for all the help!
HappyNew Year, Rob and to all who keep this site working and constantly improving. I hope that 2014 will bring all of us new adventures with the cars we love.
Speed Safely folks. We'll see you out on the road.

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