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Help Drivers Door window out of alignment

  • Thread starter Thread starter eagle6
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I need to adjust the window on the drivers door. I need to know how to do it and what order to do things in and maybe any parts I might need.
Here's something you can try. It seems fiddly at first but it is not as bad as it looks in written form. You will need a small torx screwdriver as well as other common tools.

First remove the door pannel. It is held on by a number of screws along the bottom of the door, one near the forward end of the door, one at the rear end of the door, two (the torx ones) up by the window vent, and 3 near the door handle and 2 in the arm rest. (My numbers might be off a bit.)

Remove all wire connections.

With the window part way up you will be able to see (through two circular openings) and access the 2 nuts which hold the window to the lever mechanism. Loosen and adjust the window as necessary. Adjust the window cushions (near the top of the door) as necessary. There are also 2 bolts in the top of the door which connect to the vertical window guide, loosen and adjust the guide as needed.

Hope this helps.:m
Has anybody got any idea of how to do this I need help desperately?
is the window leaning back, with the top rear corner of the glass hitting, or almost hitting the B-Pillar (roll bar) when you shut the door??
I need to adjust the drivers door glass also. I am trying to remove the door panel and am having a problem getting to one of the screws. It is behind the sliding door lock just below the handle. I can see it looking in from the top of handle, but can not get the slide back far enough to get to the screw.

Is there a way to remove the lock slide before removing the door panel?
Plastic portion pops out. Try sliding paper clip or dental floss behind the front portion and pull on it. Then, philips head screw driver. Just shove the metal rod down slightly and unscrew.

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