I'm in the middle of de-Bubbafying my '81. P.O. has installed a 400 SB and cut a bunch of wires in the process. I removed the CCC harness (nothing for it to hook up to anyway) and am left with a few more that I can't figure out. Bubba had installed a "Monster" tach in the car and I'm guessing unhooked the factory tach. As you can guess, I'm left trying to find the wire that goes from the tach to the distributor. Here's what I have:
Can anyone tell me if either of these is the tach wire? the one in the 1st picture is hooked into the MSD 6A box that was installed, so I'm guessing that it's not what I'm looking for.
Can anyone tell me if either of these is the tach wire? the one in the 1st picture is hooked into the MSD 6A box that was installed, so I'm guessing that it's not what I'm looking for.