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Help the mechanically challenged....


Feb 13, 2005
Burbank, WA
1981 Beige Coupe
OK. I admit I haven't done near enough mechanical work since I became involved with computers, but somebody tell me the secret for changing the plugs on a stock 81 with all that junk in the way....:mad

I can't even get my hands into some of those spots....

Is there hope that I can be saved?????:)


Socket extensions and swivel sockets. You will need to find the best combo for each plug, as they all have different things in the way. Some plugs are easier to get to from underneath.

Plugs are a PITA on just about any car.... just the way it is.
The front two on either side are accessable from the top, the back two are easier to get from underneath the car.
jack it up and go underneath if you can't get em from teh top. I found that they are all easy to do. I also found that using a wrench on some of them works easier then a socket.

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