It definently isn't coming from above the spark plugs. I looked at the under the valve cover on the head above the headers, perfectly dry. The plugs were all brand new, and yes, they were the same plugs. The engine has 2000 miles on it. The front of the engine is dry, no timing cover leaks, no oil pan leaks. Now, my power steering fluid leaks from the, grrr, drawing a blank on it's name, the bar that goes under the car... grrr. That does leak. Both sides of the block look the same though as for around the sparkplug holes. No synthetic oil, castrol 30 weight. Those bolts that are seen in the picture are the head bolts, and it does look like it was spattered there, a few drops, nothing running down or anything like on the spark plugs. Look at the bottom of the plugs, you can see a drop there, and looks to have run down. BUT, if you think about it, you can pull a plug and put your finger in the hole and feel the compression stroke, your finger doesn't get covered in oil, it can't, I mean that is where the spark plug combusts the gas in the head, so how the hell can i have oil there?