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Hesitations then a STALL!


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2002
1993 Medium Quasar Blue Metallic Coupe
I have a '93 auto.
I'm in the process of accelerating from about 45mph, when the car hesitates and stumbles. If I let off the gas pedal, the car is fine at 45mph and below.

One time, I tested it by not letting off the gas pedal and the car just cuts off. I did notice the check guages light came on, but the car is full of gas and no codes showed up. I put the car in neutral and it cranked right back up and drove fine for a while but the same intermittent hiccups occured after about an hour.

The car has been checked twice for this same problem. No vacuum leaks, $1400+ tune-up, water pump is good, fuel pump and filter are good, fuel injectors good, yes even the dreaded Opti-Spark is good.

Any thoughts? I'm at a loss for ideas other than just park the Vette until whenever... :cry
I had intermittant stalls due to a faulty coil. I'd be driving and all of a sudden, it would die. I'd crank it and she would turn over but would take progressively longer to re-fire. Finally died alltogether and I had get a tow. Anyway, a new coil fixed it and I replaced WP and Opti also.
I had that problem with my 87 and just recently with my 95. The 87 my tec told me it was the computer, and it worked out ok. With my 96, I read that it could be the OEM security system, to replase the Key with the chip in it, so I went Saturday and replaced the key with a new one and I drove it all over town, up to now it is ok.

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