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News: Houston, Texas: HPD: Suspects steal keys to storage unit, drive off with Corvette parked inside


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HPD: Suspects steal keys to storage unit, drive off with Corvette parked inside

by KHOU.com staff
Posted on August 14, 2013 at 5:17 PM

HOUSTON—Several suspects were charged after they broke into a man’s truck, stole keys to his storage unit, then swiped his Corvette and sold it, according to Houston police.

A man said someone broke into his truck around 7 p.m. on July 15 and stole the keys to his storage unit, which was located in the 44000 block of Braeswood.

Less than an hour later, three suspects entered the man’s unit, then took some items inside and a 2005 Corvette, police said. The sports car was valued at almost $32,000.

Surveillance video captured good images of the suspects and the license plate of car they drove to the scene.

Investigators traced the license plate to a vehicle owned by Energy Transfer Company. A representative in the Human Resources Department traced the company vehicle back to a female employee, Crystal Perez. Perez led them to her boyfriend, Allen Ayala, who was allegedly one of the men on the video. Allen Ayala also identified his brother, Gabriel Ayala, as another one of the suspects. Ayala said the third man was his brother’s friend, but he did not know his name.

Allen Ayala confessed to selling the car two days later. Police were able to track down the person he sold it to.

Allen Ayala was charged with theft of a motor vehicle. His brother, Gabriel, was also charged with theft.

Crystal Perez was charged with unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and credit card abuse related to the vehicle.

Reference: HPD: Suspects steal keys to storage unit, drive off with Corvette parked inside | khou.com Houston

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