First, to be stealthy, you need to either absorb or reflect the radar or laser in such a way as it does not return to the source. Laser relies on wavelengths in the 900-950 nanometer range, which puts it right in infrared territory (not visible to the human eye.) Conventional camera film can be easily found that will photograph up to about 925 nanometers, but any further requires special equipment and nothing (at least that I know of) can see beyond 1350 nanometers. To see which paint is best, you'd need equipment that photographs only within the 900-950 nanometer range. Just because your paint doesn't reflect visible light (black corvettes) doesn't mean that it also absorbs infrared. I've had an infrared photograph taken of me wearing a black cotton t-shirt, and it came out white in the picture because of all the infrared that it was reflecting.
It goes without saying, however, that the paint not be metallic as the flakes will almost definitely reflect radar. The fact that the 'Vette's body is SMC and the radiator is angled downward contribute to its stealthiness. A front plate will reflect both laser and radar, so don't put one on.
From the rear, you're screwed. The tail lights and license plate will reflect the laser. The flat-sided gas tanks and frame bumper rail will reflect the radar.
It is possible, however, to cover your rear lights and license plate with a material that will refract the laser and lessen its effective distance.
Keep in mind that nothing will make you invisible to either laser or radar, all you can do is lessen the effective distance.
Quick lesson: Infrared is not the same as thermal imaging. The special vision that the hunter in the movie "Predator" has was thermal, or strictly heat vision. Infrared is a form of electromagnetic radiation just like visible light that just happens to be also created by warm objects. In essense, all warm things "glow", just not in a wavelength that we can normally see. We glow at a wavelength of around 940 nanometers. Infrared radiation (non-ionizing and, thus, non-cancerous) is blocked by things that normal light tends to pass through, such as normal windows and plastics.