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How Chevy’s Corvette Stingray scored 87M impressions and 5M video views via Twitter and YouTube


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How Chevy’s Corvette Stingray scored 87M impressions and 5M video views via Twitter and YouTube

July 22, 2013 11:31 AM
John Koetsier


You knew the launch of the first Corvette to bear the Stingray badge of honor since 1976 would be a big deal in social media. The Corvette, after all, is America’s iconic, beautiful, and above all powerful sports car.

But our ADHD-fueled social media attention spans are notoriously short.

So how do you drive 87 million social media impressions over extended weeks and months? With a detailed plan, Chevy’s director of digital Andrew Dinsdale told me last week.

And, apparently, with a lot of mystery.

“Initially, we revealed just the crossed flags … we didn’t a show a thing of the car except some teases and a camouflaged test drive,” Dinsdale told me in his strong English accent. “We achieved the highest virality we’ve ever seen.”

Full Story: How Chevy’s Corvette Stingray scored 87M impressions and 5M video views via Twitter and YouTube | VentureBeat


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