I bid on a car, (68 Vette) it didn't meet reserve. The ebayer asked if I was intrested in the car as I was high bidder, we negotiated a price. However I told him I neeeded to somehow get the car inspected first (no money has changed hands yet). It's a good 2k miles from where I live. So if he's amable I'm going to try and find a way to get the car inspected. Now what I'm really nervous about is sending the money w/o anything other than a couple of emails back and forth as proof of purchase. He is not a dealer and has a good ebay history (I think 97 %) however I don't see a history of selling cars, just buying and selling different things. The one ding he has, (which is a car) his reply to it is that he let a friend use his ebay account.... Any thoughts on all this are appreciated.