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I guess my back is against the wall....

I appreciate everyones concern for my ordeal. So far 650 miles behind me with no problems. I am borrowing some computer stuff to scan the car, and then with some assistance change some things about the PROM.
Well so far so good. I am still trying to get some scans in to get some custom tunes burned. The car runs very well, just a few small driveability issues. Getting ready to put it away for the winter in a few weeks I think.

However know I face an issue with my Trans Am. Took it out of the garage yesterday for a nice fall drive to autozone, and it ran fine until I was almost to autozone. I nailed it, and slammed second still pulling hard, and then all of a sudden it started missing, and popping terrible. Well I went into limp mode for about a 1/2 mile to autozone. I thought it was a carb issue, so I went in and made my purchase, came out and removed the air cleaner. Started the car up, and I heard the noise of sure death. A lump formed in the back of my throat, and I felt like a just lost a good friend. Although I thought it was some vavletrain nose, perhaps a bent valve, I stood corrected by an expeirenced engine builder. I had it flat bedded home, where a friend came over and looked at it. He said it wasn't any valve train noise, it was much deeper in the motor. Either lost a rod, or a wrist pin came out, and the piston came up and tagged the valves. Regardless I once again have engine issues.

I guess it never ends for car guys and their cars....
Wow you are having it bad. I have owned a ton of fast cars and have never blown and engine. Man I feel for you.

Just from a quick glance those pontiac parts are nearly as abundant as the chevy parts are.

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