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I refuse to put it to rest yet!!


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2004
64 coupe
Is it just me,or what. I gets harder and harder every year to put car away for winter. But almost did today,53deg. today here, near Milwaukee. But 38deg and a little higher next week. They're will be some drivable days yet. I hope. What about everybody else. Pretty hard to do, isn't it?
Put away ? heck no ..here in Florida, we're just coming into cruising season. Should last straight through until the rains and sweltering humidity arrive in May/June.
Viking427 said:
Put away ? heck no ..here in Florida, we're just coming into cruising season. Should last straight through until the rains and sweltering humidity arrive in May/June.
This suggests a great money-saving idea.

We could share our cars.....our Corvettes spend their winters in the south and their summers in the north.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm ;)
Yeah, putting the car away for the winter sucks! :( But when the roads are clear and I don't read any forcasts for snow, I'm back on the road again. It's the most fun form of transportation that I'll ever experience. :beer
skids said:
Is it just me,or what. I gets harder and harder every year to put car away for winter. But almost did today,53deg. today here, near Milwaukee. But 38deg and a little higher next week. They're will be some drivable days yet. I hope. What about everybody else. Pretty hard to do, isn't it?
It is very hard to do. I drive mine right up until it snows and then put it in the garage.

The good thing about the harsh northern winters is that if you have a project to do on your vette you don't feel bad about not finishing it in one day and then going for a ride. You can take your time and enjoy the warm garage with friends coming over and talking cars or helping you work on the car. This has been my winter ritual for years and is part of the fun:D

Then when spring comes, it is another new season!
Viking427 said:
Put away ? heck no ..here in Florida, we're just coming into cruising season. Should last straight through until the rains and sweltering humidity arrive in May/June.
Just told the wife to pack, we're moving south. I left, she stayed.:confused just kidding!
Fuelie said:
It is very hard to do. I drive mine right up until it snows and then put it in the garage.

The good thing about the harsh northern winters is that if you have a project to do on your vette you don't feel bad about not finishing it in one day and then going for a ride. You can take your time and enjoy the warm garage with friends coming over and talking cars or helping you work on the car. This has been my winter ritual for years and is part of the fun:D

Have you killed a few beers on those projects?
6 Shooter said:
Have you kill a few beers on those projects?
As long as you make sure to hand out the beverages after the technical / delicate work is done :D
6 Shooter said:
Snow don't hang around that long in the lower part of the 48.

Later . . . . . .
6 Shooter
Just another good reason to live in the South!
Kentucky boy on loan to Tennessee

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