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Instrument gauges - 65

  • Thread starter Thread starter LUCKY13
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I replaced the under-dash wiring harness on my 65 and it pretty much fixed any issues I had. It did seem to create a new issue, my small gauges, especially on the left side of the Speedometer are now dimmer than they used to be. I landed all the wires where the wiring diagram specified. Where should I look?
instrument gauges 65

I forgot to mention, the issue is the same at idle and driving. Engine rpm makes no difference.
instrument gauges 65

Also, there are no other electrical issues with the car.
Dim lights usually indicate a ground problem. I would temporarily connect a ground wire to the cluster and see if they brighten. If so then you will need the wiring diagrams to see where the ground source is for the small gauges.
Could it be possible that you knocked a bulb out of the socket halfway?
Hope that is all it is. :w
The cluster is grounded by a black wire from the instrument panel harness with a female black plastic connector that plugs onto a male spade terminal mounted just above the tachometer, on the back side of the cluster can. Is that connected?


65 instrument lights

Thanik you John. I'll slide the cluster out and check for the ground wire.

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