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Insurance Costs???


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2005
Chicago, Illinois
1984 Brilliant White Coupe, Targa Top
What can a 22 year old male expect to pay in insurance on a c4 ? i have a 1984 vette. i am going to have my dad listed as the owner of the car to help some but i guess i was just curious how killer the insurance will be? any advice will be wonderful.
I think even if your dad is listed as the owner, it is the primary driver that matters.
You should see what Vetteboy86 and Vettefan87 have to say. They're both under 25 with C4's.

When I bought my '95 at 28, my insurance was (and still is roughly) $100 a month for full coverage. It went down a tad when I moved to a nicer area.
I would suspect around $100 a month sounds about right. Well, maybe we should also hear a little about your past driving record. Is it sqeaky clean? Or are there a few things on there to tarnish it?
i have 1 ticket approx 2.5 years ago so it should be off my immediate record soon. thats it.
Parking ticket? Speeding ticket? If speeding... how much over the posted speed limit? And don't expect anything to go away from your immediate record. Some places consider 10 years to be immediate. But again, it sounds like $100 a month will be about right. Try going to progressive.com and see what they say.

Also, is this your primary car or do you have another vehicle as your daily driver? This can also determine an amount. I speak with some experience as I am also 22 currently.

It also depends on where you live. Im 25 and mine is around $200.00 a month in Massachusetts. 2000 vette
Ripp 76 said:
Try going to progressive.com and see what they say.

It also depends if you want an agent or not.
:D Try www.driveinsurance.com. They have pretty good rates if you want an agent.
Or go to www.progressive.com if you don't need an agent. Sometimes if you go directly through progressive they give better rates.

I have progressive direct and pay $150 a month but I have A reckless driving from back in the day also.

And oh yah, I work for progressive too!
i have 1 speeding ticket i believe it was for like 10 over. i called progressive for my motorcycle insurance and they told me for illinois that tickets stay on immediate record for 3 years. this may not be true who knows. i am mostly going to drive the vette in the summer but i do have another vehicle for bad weather driving and winter driving.
You didn't mention if it was your daily driver or just a fun second car. I live in the Insurance risk capitol of the World(NJ), and have my 87 as a leisure only car. So instead of paying $800 per year for insurance I insured it through SNEED Insurance co..as a classic car. Cost me $375 yr, no mileage restriction. If your not going to use the Vette every day..then it is a great deal. :w
Most insurance companys have a rate change at age 25 anything below that often cost quite a bit more.
i am going to have another car as well. i will prolly drive the vette most of the time in the summer season, but for sure winter it will not be used. of course i will avoid really inclement weather but i do intend on driving it lots when the weather is nice.

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