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Well-known member
Dec 24, 2003
Conway, SC
'59 Blk/Red, '12 Crystal Red GS
Quick question: What does everybody use on their soft interior parts (dash pads, seat covers, dor panels, etc...) to combat sun damage and aging ?

Some people love "ARMOR-ALL" and some say it's the worst thing you can put on the dash pads etc....

Any opinions would be greatly appreciated,

Bernie O.

I have used Clear Guard and like the results, Lexol is another good brand

for either leather or vinyl.

I've always thought that Armor-All was a little too greasy with too much of a gloss. On vinyl I have used Meguiar's #40 "Vinyl & Rubber Cleaner/Conditioner". That has worked really well and leaves a nice "as new" finish. For leather I use Lexol cleaner and conditioner or Zaino #9 cleaner and #10 conditioner.

Rich Lagasse
Zaino cleaner & conditioner here, I've tried most of them and Zaino is definately up there with the very best!
I use Lexol cleaner and Adams leather conditioner. I dont like the shinny/slippery look that most leather conditioners leave.
66 Nick, rich, groovy, and crow,

Thanks for your reply's; think I'll try the Zaino's on the vinyl and the Lexol on the leather.

Thanks again,

Bernie O.
for what it's worth....... A few years back when I had Al Knoch recover my '65's seats with new leather covers I asked what he recommended to keep the leather clean and in good condition. They recommended first heating the seats with either a heat gun or a hair dryer to open up the grain and pores of the leather than to use Lemon Pledge. Yep, the furniture dusting spray.
They claim it cleans the leather very well and the citric acid from the lemon helps keep the leather moisturized.
for what it's worth....... A few years back when I had Al Knoch recover my '65's seats with new leather covers I asked what he recommended to keep the leather clean and in good condition. They recommended first heating the seats with either a heat gun or a hair dryer to open up the grain and pores of the leather than to use Lemon Pledge. Yep, the furniture dusting spray.
They claim it cleans the leather very well and the citric acid from the lemon helps keep the leather moisturized.

you have some good advice Barry.....:beer
yep same as Barry says, I had Als crew recover my seats with their leather covers this past spring at Carlisle and Dale said....Lemon Pledge....shock shock shock....so far so good ...seats look great.

Long time no talk; what've you been up to ?

Never heard the Lemon Pledge thing before, but everyone seems to agree. Guess I'll try it out on my leather (in the Pontiac, no leather in Corvettes......yet).

What do you use on the vinyl (dash pads and such) ?

Bernie O.
Hi Bernie

not up to much lately.......
You been traveling a lot?

on the dash, doors, etc I tend to use the Lemon pledge also for a few reasons:
1. I'm lazy and already have the pledge and rag in my hand from doing the seats.
2. I figure the vinyl dash pads, interior molding pieces, and such really just need "dusting off" for the most part and the pledge seems to work well on that
3. it smells good :)
4. I'm cheap and if one product works for multiple areas why buy a bunch of other cleaning stuff that's simply going to do the same thing and end up with the same results. Besides, we always have the Lemon Pledge around the house anyway so why not use it since it works and I see no negative or downsides to using it on the vinyl. I'm not aware of any harm it can do and also can't think of any real advantages to the specialty cleaning products out there for vinyl, the Pledge gets it clean, takes the dust and fingerprints away so that's all I need.

The only other thing I typically use in the interior is Windex for the gauges (lenses), wiping down the radio and heater control chrome knobs, and the misc chrome items like the seat hockey sticks, shifter handle, etc plus of course the glass.

For ME, Lemon Pledge and Windex does my entire interior.

Yeah, travelling ALL the time here recently. I think I was home a total of 5 days in the month of July; I have so many different kinds of currency in my wallet I can't find any US$'s !!.

So the Lewmon Pedge does it all, huh. Guess I'll have to try it; I was afraid something like that might "melt" or smear the vinyl, but, like you say, it's already around the house so might as well use it.

You going to Carlisle ? Both cars ? Not sure if I'm going to make it - I'm just getting back from AL on the 23rd, so I may or may not go up on Sunday (going to the Drag races in Reading this Sunday).

Bernie O.

I'm going to Carlisle but only for Thurs & Fri this year and not taking either car. The '65 is still over at Joe's (he's fixing that spot on the fender finally plus of course the car still needs the tranny and clutch dealt with) and I need to deliver some wheels to Stepinwolf at the show so I'm going up in the Tahoe. I considered taking the '78 until I offered to help Bob with the wheels so that's out.

If you are going let me know and what days. you still have my cell #?

If I go it has to be Sunday; I'm out of town until Sat morning and then have plans for Sat night around here. Depends on how I feel on Sunday and what the weather is like on whether or not I will go up.

Bernie O

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