For the front end only I like to use a bottle jack under one of the skid rails... ( for lack of a better term ) I only take it up a couple inches... 1. Because I don't want it to slip out... 2. I only need enough room for my floor jack... ( I also use short 4" ramps if I am coming in with a warm motor and will be working on it after it cools down... Besides, I don't like to start a cold engine to do an oil change when all I will be doing is putting cold oil in the top of the motor by driving it onto my pre ramps ) Just enough to get my floor jack under there with a 2 x 4 about a foot long on top of the lifting cradle... ( The air dam is the main source of interference for a floor jack ) Once the floor jack is in place I can lift the car easily and not worry about deforming the center frame area... Once I have the desired height I use 2 jack stands and place them behind the front wheels about 10" in from the outer edge of the frame... Their is a very wide section there where the frame angles in towards the motor... I use the rearward side of the frame... I use another piece of 2x4 about 4 inches long and place it up against the flange that splits the frame... Under that I adjust the jack stand to be as close as possible... Once I set the car on the jack stands and hear the wood crunch a little I know its not going anywhere... I then give the car a couple of small nudges to make sure everything is settled... This gives the pan a good tilt to make the oil flow out to the rear... If I am doing my LT5 then I adjust the jacks to tilt the pan towards the drain plug on the side of the pan...
If I am jacking the whole car up high I do 1 side at a time... Sometimes I go up in 2 stages if the car needs to be up high and set on big jack stands for a trans or major detailng... Simply use one jack in the middle of the frame and postion the rear jackstand just in front of the rear wheels where the pinched frame makes a triangled area... again... I use 2x4 to distribute out the load and make the connection between the jack and the frame "grippy"... I then use the same area as mentioned before to support the front end... I check the car for stability by nudging it before going underneath it...
Geez... I didn't think this would take so long to explain !
Be safe