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Location of e brake switch

Aug 19, 2007
Oregon Ohio
2015 Z06 Callaway White, 1967 Corvette RestoRod
I have looked in several books, manuals and publications and cannot find the location of the switch that makes the ebrake light work on my 1954 Corvette. The light assembly had no wires attached to it. I purchased the correct wires but I do not know where they attach from the light assembly.

Any help on this would be appreciated. Photos and or diagrams would be great also. :w
Emailed you the pics of mine on the 58.....Someone on here might chime in with some additional info. Good luck.


Thanks Fred, great pictures. I don't know if the switch is the same on the 1954 Corvette. If someone could confirm then I would know what to look for, as far as NCRS correctness.

The switch on your 54 mounts in the same location as the 58 pictured but is a totally different switch. The flasher snaps into the switch assembly itself. These switches turn up on e bay and are expensive.
I'm in Florida until Friday night but after I get back I can send a picture if you haven't already got one. Also if you get in touch with Ron Jones in Conn. I'm sure he can help with the parts. Rich
Thanks Rich, I sure would like to see what the switch looks like.
Expensive? what isn't expensive on these old Corvettes?

I look forward to hearing from you. :w

Check out e bay 220543001276. This is the switch you need and the seller is Ron Jones. He's a good honest dealer and a long time 53 to 57 nut. Good luck. Rich
Thanks for the heads up Rich. :w I will keep an eye on the auction.
I have located the brake switch as pictured in the diagram but I still need to find the flasher unit that is attached to the switch. The search continues. :w

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