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Long Term / Winter Corvette Storage


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
<img src="/images/design/front/snowvette2.jpg" width="175" height="185" border="1" hspace="5" vspace="5" alt="Snow Vette" align="left" />Unfortunately, it's getting to be that time of year again when the frigid Arctic blasts down from the north and covers most of the United States in an icy grip for the season. As a result, many of us are forced to put our Corvettes into hibernation for the winter.

Here at the Corvette Action Center we receive a lot of inquiries regarding the proper way to prep and store a Corvette for the winter.

A few years ago, I wrote an in-depth technical article on properly storing your Corvette for the winter. As I did my research, I consulted GM Powertrain and long-time Corvette racer and tuner, Dick Guldstrand.

The article has proven to be an extremely valuable resource to owners and has been published and referenced in numerous Corvette club and automotive publications.

Good luck and stay warm!

Long Term / Winter Corvette Storage

Even though I never look forward to winter I do look forward to your article on storeage as a reminder to do certain things that may slip my mind.

Thanks, health and happiness to you and yours for many years to come. Also let me extend an early wish for you to have a blessed holiday season with many many more to come your way.

It has been my pleasure to be a Supporting Member of the best Corvette site on the internet and look forward to many more years with CORVETTE ACTION CENTER.
Bill :w

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