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Help! Looking for guidance on timing advance for 327/350


New member
Aug 21, 2013
Naperville, Illinois
C2, 1967 327/350 Coupe, Goodwood Green
I have a 327/300 modified to a 350. Unfortunately, I do not know how aggressive the cam is. Former owner did not share. I get mixed opinions as to where I should expect the timing to be set. What are you folks seeing? I am currently TDC.
I have a 327/300 modified to a 350. Unfortunately, I do not know how aggressive the cam is. Former owner did not share. I get mixed opinions as to where I should expect the timing to be set. What are you folks seeing? I am currently TDC.

I have my 66 327/350 timing set at 12 degrees BTDC. I'm using the original tach drive distributor, with the pertronics igniter II and the vacuum advance hooked up to full manifold vacuum. It works for me....
If you are talking about initial advance, a good starting point would be 10° BTDC.
Disconnect the vacuum advance and plug the hose then set that timing.

You say you currently have the initial advance at TDC or zero. How does the engine drive like that?

If you are talking about the entire advance curve, a good starting point would be 32-36° total advance, all in by 2800-3000 rpm with 8-12° initial and an aftermarket adjustable vacuum advance limited to 8-10°.

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