Having an issue with my '86; started last fall the low coolant light would come on occasionally but the reservoir was ok and when removing cap the radiator seemed ok. Pressure tested and it did lose pressuer slightly. I replaced all hoses, water pump and flushed the coolant system and refilled and also addd barsleak. Last week it started again - check everything radiator was clean and full but reservor was very dirty, so I reflushed radiator and cleaned the reservoir, replaced the antifreeze but did not readd the barsleak. Now the low collant light is on most of the time
Have I not got all the air out or could I have leaking head gaskets??
Are you loosing coolant? is there foam on the dip-stick or the PCV valve? Is there foam or oil in the filler neck of the radiator? if no to all the above, then the sensor is just fouled.
What you might have is a partially clogged radiator and a coat of slime on the tip of the low coolant sensor.
NEVER use that BarsLeaks or any of those gasket in a can products.
Stop-leak products are the DEVIL

I did it a few years ago in an attempt to get a couple more days out of a leaking head gasket.
When the head was removed, I saw the rear coolant passage in the head CLOSED completely with the 'stop-leak' garbage. No coolant circulation in the rear of that cyl head. Fortunately I did'nt run it more than a few miles and it never got hot.
Not trying to be an ass, but trying to give you fair warning...that stuff does more damage than good.
The low coolant sensor is very easy. Its simply a circuit that gets complete when the water covers its tip. If the water level gets below the tip, the circuit is broken and the lite comes on. OR, when the tip is covered with a non-conductive layer of something, the circuit is broken.
If you pull the thing out and clean it, and stick it back in with a thin smear of silicone on the rubber, it'll probably be fine.Clean the hole with a pipe-cleaner or similar device. You DO risk breaking the rubber seal but if you do its an easy fix by drying the hole and plugging with silicone until a new sensor can be had. New ones are only a few dollars and you can even make one. Its just a single metal blade that is insulated from the radiator but can reach into the water.