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LT5 Registry


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
For those of you that are ZR-1 owners or are interested in the ZR-1, there is an organization out there called the "LT5 Registry" that you can become a member of in order to learn more about these fantastic Corvettes.

You can learn more about the organization at their web site: http://www.lt5registry.com

Rob, Site Admin.

[This message has been edited by Admin (edited 10-17-2000).]
cliff talked me into it and it's worth it.

looking forward to the list being published.

hoping you get some more traffic here!!!
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I'm psyched because I just got my latest Registry magazine, and haven't had a chance to open it up yet. Metro reading in the morning!!!!!

We're working hard to get more traffic to the site. Spread the word. The Corvette Action Center is here!!! I plan on taking this site where no other has gone before. ;)
There's a nice article on oil filters in the new Registry magazine.
The Mobil 1 filter came out very well. :)

I still have a case of original OEM LT5 filters (Black with the Silver label) that I bought back in 1991. No Rust yet! :J

They may become collector items like the CorvetteNH window stickers. :D
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ROFL! Gordy, you could be right!!!! I completely forgot about the window decals. Last night, I happen to pass by a section of my file cabinet and saw the stack in there......my first thought was....."oh $%^&" LOL Oh well....once we get the Action Center moving, I'll redesign the decals and get a new....BETTER batch made up! :)
Window stickers


If you dont mind pass some of those CorvetteNH stickers my way. I think I would like to have one or two for posterity's sake. :D
Thanks for the good word,Rob. I hope to be spending a lot of time at this site in the future.
Hello: LT5 Registry member #327 reporting in. Glad to
be here. Got my second addition of the magazine yesterday.
Glad to be here,Folks. Rob has created something special here and I'm thankful to be a part of it.
Other than the quarterly magazine, what do you get with joining the LT-5 Registry? What is the cost? Their web site really doesn't have any real useful information on ZR-1's.

The LT5 Registry web site will be changing soon.
Some of the many benefits to LT5 Registry members:
Parts discounts;both oem and aftermarket
State,Regional,& National events
Annual Membership Directory for participating members
Maintenance tips & help
Modification tips & help
Free classified ads to members
Club paraphenalia with organization logos
Window decals
King of the Hill color magazine
LT5 Registry website w/password-protected features
And much,much more coming soon!
Almost 600 members can't be wrong.

[Edited by USA ZR1 on 01-14-2001 at 08:59 PM]
The new website was unveiled this morning. Be patient as a lot more is coming,though.
LT5R #001
The "all new" LT5 Registry website looks great!
Nice job.

Yes, Rob has done a very good job. I really can't
appreciate what it takes to do a website. I have sent
many messages, spreadsheets, lists, phone numbers, you
name it to "computer heaven" in the last few years. I know
just enough to be dangerous. I really like the Corvette forums on Corvetteaction.com and Corvetteforum.com. I'm
glad to see that the LT5 Registry will have one as well.
It will make being a Registry member ever a better deal!

Thanks Clint and Rob!


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