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Lubing Cables

North of 40

Jan 21, 2005
Vancouver, Canada
What is the best way to lube Vent, heater and all other cables in a corvette.

Is the best way to remove the cable and use Cable lubricant or is there an attachment such as I use on my motorcycles. It screws on the wire cable and you insert the small tube extention from the Cable lube can and it forces the lube down the cable.

No fuss no muss!!

However this attachment is made for only small diameter cables, like found on motorcycle.

Any help would be appreciated. I don't think all these cables in the car have ever been lubricated.

If ther is an attachment, where can I purchase one?


I took mune off and hung them for a day, adding oil to the cable a little at a time. Gravity will allow the lube to run down the cable. Did mine just the other day and not they move tons smoother. Kurt
I'm with kobi67.
Just did the driver's side vent (air car) couple wks ago because it wouldn't move. Fed a couple drops of engine oil along core and finished with a slather of Lubriplate. Works fine now.

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