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MAT sensor


Well-known member
May 26, 2003
1986 Black "Indy 500 Pace car replica"
I have heard from several people that the MAT sensor relocating kit for C4's is beneficial. I have not yet done this myself, however I would like some more feed back from owners who have done this to their cars. I have an 86 roadster with a hypertech chip, 160 thermostat, ram air, and free flow dual exhaust. I dont know if other mods will help. If anyone can shed some light on this subject it would be greatly appreciated.
I dont think it really helps, but I dont think it hurts anything either. It just gives the ECM a different temperature reading of the incoming air.
How about a TB coolant bypass? It would help your ram air system do what it's trying to do. I read that TB heat was the major reason a ram setup wouldn't have much affect on the L-98

what do you think Vader?
Doing the coolant bypass would help a cold air intake do what its trying to do, yeah, the conduction of heat thru the TB by coolant heats up incoming air (mainly by further conduction of heat to the plenum, my plenum is touchable after cutting off the engine now).

Together the bypass and this mod might free up 1-2 more hp than the bypass alone. But i'm only speculating, i dont have concrete results on it and havent really seen any that convince me either.
Thanks for the input, however are there any kits for the coolant bypass, for an L-98 as there is for an LT-1. Will I have to bypass the coolant myself?
I have done the relocation of the MAT myself, and I didn't see any noticable improvement in the "seat of the pants" feel. ut, as said above, it didn't hurt either. I plugged the hole in the plenum with a brass plug, then relocated the MAT to a hole I drilled in the front of the K&N come filter my son bought me, and that location seems to work fine. It "sees" the temperature of the incoming air, rather than air that is over the radiator shroud (have read some that have oplaced it there). It is in the final air flow just before the throttle body, but is not in a direct stream of air so should be reading the real air temp.
Vetteboy86, the TB bypass setup consists of a hose repair kit from Home Depot for about $3. Two clamps and a brass male-male connector. Pull the two hoses off the throttle body and connect them together. 15 mins work... I may even have an extra one here (my mechanic changed it for a real piece of shaped hose when my engine was replaced). If I can find it, you're welcome to it.

I also did the MAT sensor relocation (using the kit from I think TPIS). Not sure if it really did any good, but if I ever need to replace the sensor then it's a piece of cake... The kit comes with a new one, so you leave the old to plug the hole in the plenum (I think the SR has a plug there already). Hardest part is getting to the connector behind the distributor.

Yes I also did the TB bypass. I used some pieces of hose, two hose clamps, and a piece of copper tubing to slide inside each end of hose. WHen the motor was done, the builder put a new hose in.

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