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Midyear (C2) camcorder mounts?

Thanks for reminding me, Bob. When I tried to use his toll-free to order, it was no longer in service. So, I decided to wait a month or so to see if he was still in business. Then, I got so busy with other things that I forgot.

Anyway, it looks like he is still in business. He just decided to cut back on the toll-free. So, I ordered one today. I'll have it soon.


I'm wondering if my first instinct wasn't the correct one. When I talked to him last week, he said he was on his cellphone, but would call me back when he got home to finish the order. It's several days later, and he still hasn't called. I don't think I'll be buying.
I'm wondering if my first instinct wasn't the correct one. When I talked to him last week, he said he was on his cellphone, but would call me back when he got home to finish the order. It's several days later, and he still hasn't called. I don't think I'll be buying.

It was my mistake. I don't know how, but he left a message for me and I missed it. We're back in business.
There were several British guys driving a full size Pontiac on the 2007 Hot Rod Power tour with a few cameras stuck to the glass on the outside of the car. They took in 7 states in 7 days for 3000 miles with the setup.

They are on The Hardcore Pontiac Forum and this is a link to the post of the prep to the 62 Catalina they bought just to take the Power Tour:
HCP's Hot Rod Power Tour 62 Catalina - HARDCORE PONTIACS TECH FORUMS

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