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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2002
2003 50Th Corvette
What car or other models are we looking for? let me know , i found a hobby store with kinda hard to find models. i will look and advise of the price if you want me to. let me know.
66 GTO Candlelight Cream w/ black top.
what color '73 corvette and any specific scale?
I'm not going to touch that one tom73, it would be too easy . I will actively look for the '73 corvette for you.
80-82 Corvette, any color. Looking for either 1/12 or 1/10 scale. Thanx!
Tom73 said:
1973 Corvette.....


no 1/18 1973 corvettes made in die cast
Scott81 said:
80-82 Corvette, any color. Looking for either 1/12 or 1/10 scale. Thanx!

no 80 or 81's made in 1/18 die cast
only 82 made is the collectors edition in silver
Will be on the lookout for these years. i didn't think this would spark interest. seems like everyone is not interested at times. i am getting into collecting corvette models. i am on the lookout for a 1980 corvette , white would be a good color. i have a zora-duntov 1980 corvette but it isn't white.
I haven't searched lately, but I wouldn't mind having a 1:18 '98 red convertible w/a black top/black interior. I don't personally care for the '98 rims, but my father had one just like that (the car) and I remember searching for a diecast at that time, but I could never find that combination.
kmac said:
I haven't searched lately, but I wouldn't mind having a 1:18 '98 red convertible w/a black top/black interior. I don't personally care for the '98 rims, but my father had one just like that (the car) and I remember searching for a diecast at that time, but I could never find that combination.

all C5 1/18 roadsters made have no tops, but they do make a red/black..check out Maisto or Ut or autoart. C5's are fairly common and they should not go for a high price. you could probably find one on Ebay
cscarlson said:
Will be on the lookout for these years. i didn't think this would spark interest. seems like everyone is not interested at times. i am getting into collecting corvette models. i am on the lookout for a 1980 corvette , white would be a good color. i have a zora-duntov 1980 corvette but it isn't white.

what scale are you looking to collect,,1/18..1/23..1/43..1/64 ..die cast or plastic. As they are very different as to who make what in what color and what scale and what you'll pay. here's a shot of about 1/4 quarter of my 1/18 corvette collection, wating for my cases to come in1/18 corvettes die cast
New Cases?

Super400, a couple more and you'll be looking for a new room to put them in!! Nice collection.;)
My wife would not let me put 10 cases on the walls in the house, as it's and antique colonial she say's they don't go with the decor. I happen to disagree as I think any corvette fits in well, guess that's why I'm not and interior decorator:D

so they are being setup in my garage which is in the process of being remodeled, already have 4 cases installed and filled out there (48 cars). :)
It doesn't matter what scale. i collect all scales. today i am going to buy a 1953 Corvette 1/12th scale model, i have a choice of white or black, am undecided on color. what kind of display cases are you buying and where and what price? I am still looking for a white 1980 corvette.
i know there are no 1/18 scale die cast for Corvette, maybe there are sme in 1/25 or 1/24. the cases that I get are the same ones that exoticar sell , but I get them custom made for 40 bucks cheaper, hold 12 cars with morrored backs. I'll try and get a picture tonight of the one in the garage so you can see what the cases look like

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