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more crack smokers on ebay

wishuwerehere82 said:
The idea is to have a hidden reserve and see where the bids end up. Not to set your first bid astronomically high and see what happens.

Uh huh, I'm familiar with ebay - I was referring to the last one with the two toned paint that is 'on again' I've never sold anything on ebay, do they charge you to list items, or only if they sell?

craig32 said:
the last one with the two toned paint that is 'on again' I've never sold anything on ebay, do they charge you to list items, or only if they sell?
I've never sold a big dollar item. (My biggest was like $800)
But as far as I'm aware, they charge for every listing put up, regardless of the sale or not. Again, "as far as I'm aware".

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