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My 61 is alive again

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:)I just want to tell the world that I started my 61 vette today for the first time since 1988. This was a great day hearing it run again. I still have lots of work to do, but knowing it is running again will make all the work alot easier. :):):) Ace
Congrats on bringing your 61 to life again! What a great feeling that must have been!

BTW... welcome to the :CAC Ace. While you're still feeling the rush and sense of accomplishment, why not post a thread in the New Member forum --> click here and tell us a little bit about yourself and your Corvette (which hasn't been cranked since 1988 - WOW!)!!

We'll look forward to hearing more of your story!
:wJane Ann
That's :cool My '59 hasn't been started since the last battery died in 1981. I thought that I would fire it up a last spring just for fun. When I turned the engine by hand just to be sure it's still free the water pump seal let go and the coolant ran out. Now I need to rebuild the water pump. I also want to rebuild the '59 carbs and take the '56 set off of the car.

It would be nice to hear it run again. You are an inspiration.

Thanks Jane Ann and and Tom for your comments. Many things have kept me from getting 61 vette back on the road again, but kids in college ect.. I have a shop now that I can work on my vette now. All I need now is time time and money money to get her finished. Thanks again for your comments. Have a great day. Ace
Ace, have fun with the project man! I don't know if I could let mine set that long without driving it! Lets see.......on the road from 61 to 88, then "in storage" from 88 till 09. Hell, it wasn't even broken in completely when you put it in storage! It should still be 'bout brand new! Good luck, I'm imagining an ear-to-ear grin on your face about now :D!
Andy Anderson :w
I Know how you Feel 61Vette

Welcome back to the world of Corvettes, dont stop now you have it started in a couple of ways. The engine, and the desire. Were not getting any younger but at least we can feel the past and now enjoy the future once again...:beer
Year,1973, parked with out its engine as it was really worn out and the 5 year warranty had just expired with 28086 hard miles. In fact it`s 41st birthday is March 6th.


Moving ahead, 2008, Pulled out of the corner after 35 years a much needed fresh paint and a new leather donated interior, complete brake system, and its fully repaired and blueprinted L88 back between the rails it roared back into the living world...


Tom your nearly as bad as I am...:upthumbs
Heck, I haven't started my car since January and its driving me crazy!!!!:bash:bash

Good luck!!! :thumb:beer
Thanks everyone for your comments to me. Congratulations to wally for getting his vette running again.
Hey Wally,are you any relation to Rick Knoch? Ace
Hey Wally,are you any relation to Rick Knoch? Ace

Do you mean Al Knoch? {Corvette interiors} If so, yes.

No Rick Knoch that I know of.....:upthumbs
I had set back, but we are looking good now. I will try to start on brakes this week, and get her on the road soon. I'm encouraged by my progress today, I just don't have enough hours in the day. Everyone have a great week. Ace
Know what you're talking about!

Have my '61 running for first time since 1989. Have owned the car since 1968. Want to finish before I finish!

Welcome to the :CAC I have the same goal of finishing my '59 before I'm finished.

Hood problems

Getting car ready for paint. On trying to put on hood, I ran into a small problem. Inside hood was plate for attaching to hinges. Plate on one side was missing (must have fell out). Anywhere to purchase these? Looked at Eckler and Corvette America and did not find. Help anyone?
Unless someone has cut a hole in the inner reinforcemant there is no way for the nut plate to excape. I'll bet it has slid down the inner reinforcement and gotten jambed. Try bouncing the hood gently to see if you can dislodge it. I can't remember exactly how they were attached in position but I think it was a rivit. They are a pain once they come loose.

I had the same problem,but they fell down in hood. Ace
Unless someone has cut a hole in the inner reinforcemant there is no way for the nut plate to excape. I'll bet it has slid down the inner reinforcement and gotten jambed. Try bouncing the hood gently to see if you can dislodge it. I can't remember exactly how they were attached in position but I think it was a rivit. They are a pain once they come loose.

Thanks for your reply. I had moved it around a little, will give it another shot. Guess if all else fails I can fish the remaining plate and try to duplicate. Ah, the joys of restoration!

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